GURU CHANDAL YOGA (A toxic combination of Guru (Jupiter), Rahu & Ketu) between 22 nd April and 30 th October 2023 (six months period) (To make a note and if possible, take precautions during the period) I have been watching one of the programs on television on astrological forecast and they were talking about ‘ Chandal Yoga’ being formed in the sky and its impact on individual’s life and the world in general. I have a bit of knowledge of astronomy and related subjects and thought of writing an article in easy language for those who have no clue about the astronomy and astrology and the celestial beings in the sky affecting our life on earth. Here, I will fail in my knowledge, if I do not mention the existence of soul ( Atma ) in a body, which is the form of energy and keeps moving from the body to body as per our Sanchit (past) and Prarabdha (current) Karma . To create an analogy , the way every mobile phone s...